Ohio Free Will Baptists remain committed to going into all of the world to proclaim the Gospel and make disciples as commissioned by Christ. Ohio has long been on the front lines of mission efforts on a local, national, and international level. Learn more about our State Missions and how you can get involved below. 

Ohio fwb church plant

Compassion Church is dedicated to extending the grace of God to those in need, because of the grace that has been freely given to us. We are determined to give instruction from God’s Holy Word because of the instruction instilled in us. We are devoted to duplicating Christ’s love in our everyday lives because of the love that was expressly shown to us!

To learn more about Compassion Church and the work God is doing through this Ohio FWB Church plant in Ashland, Ohio, click the button below. 

Let's work together.

Are you interested in being part of the next church plant in the state of Ohio? Fill out the form below and we will contact you ASAP  
(*Note: This will be kept confidential if needed.)

contribute to ohio missions

Do you want to support Ohio State Missions? You can by online giving or by sending a check to the following address...

Ohio State Missions
7554 Slate Ridge Blvd.
Reynoldsburg, OH. 43068